Character Development

City of Character


A community where good character is encouraged, recognized, and rewarded;
where character awareness is a high priority;
and where modeling of character is valued.
We are excited to share that Morrow participates in the city of Owasso's City of Character Program. Each month we will focus and learn about the Character Trait of the month! 

Mindful at Morrow

First Semester

Why:  To help build a positive and respectful culture at school and in the community.

  • Week 1 - I can be heard saying “please” when asking for something

  • Week 2 - When given something, I will always say “Thank you”.  Likewise, when someone says Thank you, I will say You’re welcome.

  • Week 3 - To politely interrupt, I will say Excuse me.

  • Week 4 - I can always be heard saying yes sir, no sir, or yes ma’am and no ma’am to my parents, teachers, coaches, principals, and all other adults in my life. 

  • Week 5 - Phrases such as Good morning, be safe, how are you, and have a great day are all a part of who I am.  

Why:  To bring self-awareness of what each student is capable of bringing to the classroom or their daily life each day. To realize that they must become viable positive citizens of the community and the United States.

  • Week 6 - “I am a Respectful Ram” 

  • Week 7 - “ We will be kind and considerate to those around us.”

  • Week 8 - “ We will do our part to create a positive place to learn, free from distractions.”

  • Week 9 - “ We will look for ways to help others and cheer for them when they have success!”

  • Week 10 - Remaining a RAM - R - We are RESPECTFUL at all times.

  • Week 11 - A - Attitude check

  • Week 12 - M - Mindful of others, ourselves, and surrounding

  • Week 13 - S - self-aware 

Why:   Positive and negative words and thoughts have a huge impact on ourselves and others.

 I will THINK before I speak, text, or act

  • Week 14  - T - Is it true? Social media harassment, gossip, lying, tattle tail, rumors

  • Week 15 - H - Is it helpful, hurtful, are you being honest?

  • Week 16 - I - Is it important?

  • Week 17 - N - Is it necessary or needed?

  • Week 18 - K - Is it kind?

Second Semester

Why:  Practicing and working on positive behavior, will help our culture and community.

  • Week 1 - I will listen 

  • Week 2 - Empathy towards others - Flocabulary: Building Empathy/Understanding Feelings  Building Empathy for Kids

    • Discuss: Why is it important to think of others' feelings?

    • Discuss the meaning of empathy:  “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”

    • Discuss:  How can you notice how someone else might be feeling or thinking? 

  • Week 3 - By being kind  - Kind Humor/Sensitive/desensitized (Being sensitive to others….not numb to everything) 

  • Week 4 - Inclusion/Exclusion -  “Ugly Duckling”, “The Name Jar”,  “The Hundred Dresses”, ‘Say Something”

  • Week 5 - Social Awareness/social cues (being aware of what you’re saying) “The Social Butterfly”

  • Poem to practice for fluency: Kind Hearts are the Gardens by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • Kindness Meditations Key Strategies to Teach Children Empathy

  • Week 6 -  Self Regulation (self control) “Decibella and Her 6-inch Voice” “Eat Pete”,  “The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes”, “The Good Egg”, “Waiting is not Easy”

  • Week 7 - Good Judgment/Social Media Harassment (Bullying) “Recess Queen”, “Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” “Dealing with Bullying” “I Walk with Vanessa” “The Bully from the Black Lagoon”

  • Week 8 - Knowing what is appropriate and when it’s appropriate/barriers that keep us from understanding the emotional impact-  (texting someone that they’re fat?? Watching this on my smartphone??) Talking in class

  • Week 9 - Be present - mind isn’t wandering when a friend is talking, teacher talking

  • Week 10 - Security/insecurity (what do you feel you’re secure in/not secure in) “Giraffe Problems”

  • Week 11 - Believe in yourself. 

  • Week 12 - What does confidence mean?

  • Week 13 - How can I self-reflect? 

  • Week 14 - What are my strengths and weaknesses?

  • Week 15 - 18 - How can I be the change and use my strengths? How can I empower myself and others? 

Before you...

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T    = Is it True?
H    = Is it Helpful?
I     = Is it Inspiring?
N    = Is it Necessary?
K    = Is it Kind?

Respectful Rams


I can be heard saying Please when asking for something.

When given something, I will always say Thank You. Likewise, when someone says Thank You, I will say You're Welcome.

To politely interrupt, I will say Excuse Me.

I can always be heard saying Yes Sir, No Sir, or Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am to my parents, teachers, coaches, principals, and all other adults in my life.

Phrases such as Good Morning, Be Safe, How Are You, and Have a Great Day are all part of who I am.


We will be kind and considerate to those around us.

We will do our part to create a positive place to learn, free from distractions.

We will look for ways to help others and cheer for them when they have success!
Respectful at all times
Attitude check
Mindful of others